Thursday, November 11, 2010

Entry 16: Whittling DOWN

It's screaming time now.  Week 9.  Things are getting crazy, of course, and I've already watched all of the extended LOTR movies while working.  I'm moving onto the Harry Potter series now, and as soon as I get the second and third POTC, I'll be watching those.  Trilogy bonanza!  Except Harry Potter.  That's like a, like a, like a septology.  Thing.  Punch drunk?  Cabin fever?  Yeah.

Progress:  I've figured out the actual code for changing the rep of an NPC from "commoner" to "hostile", so that when Declan walks in, wavin' his sword around and being rude, someone can step up and try to put him in his place.  Of course, that won't happen, unless the player is a crappy gamer.  At the moment, still trying to figure out how to attach sound events based on variables to different locations, so that Declan's internal monologues can be heard as the player is running through the game.  Hammered out all the location to location transitions, with the exception of a transition initiated by dialogue (ie. "You wanna go?" "Yeah, let's go" *player loads into new area*).  Cookson already said don't dick around for hours trying to figure out that one thing, so I'm going to need to go back into the Warfield enviro and build a path for the player to exit the area.

The big thing still left is sound.  I spent an inordinate amount of time and my sound designer's house going over what needed to be done, so hopefully that will
all turn out well.  I need to go into ProTools and rename lines, fix levels and combine everything.  Grrr.  Work work work.  On the upside, here's Richard, the sassy gay friend of Maya.

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